
Humans are Beings

Humans are Beings

If allopathic medicine were to embrace the nurturing of our being, then perhaps the Art of Medicine would once again flourish. Medicine is not a science. Scientific medicine is an illusion created by humans for humans, mainly for financial gains, apparently at the patient’s expense. As such, it is innately endowed with mistakes, since humans appear to arrogantly embrace error, thinking of themselves smarter than nature, all the while praying to the god of profit. There can be no ease or tranquility without both a Yin and a Yang. Science is exclusionary of both.

Human beings are not just human; we are also a being. Human beings are prone to error by design. The purpose of our journey called life is to learn from those errors. This journey also affords us redemption through forgiveness via our being. To be a human being is to be both Yin and Yang affording harmony and ease within us and with nature, all the while learning through our mistakes.

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